February 22/23 | All Services
Are you ready to take the next step of baptism? We will be baptizing people in all weekend services.
Launches Sunday, March 2
Alzheimer's & Memory Support meets year round. GriefShare and DivorceCare spring groups launch March 2.
First Mondays | 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Join us for a powerful time of prayer as we unite on the first Monday evening of each month to intercede for the unreached nations of the world.
March 22 | 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Iron Sharpens Iron Conference is a one day equipping conference that challenges men of all ages.
April 12 | 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Want to be encouraged in your quest to live as a godly woman in an ungodly world?
Edgewood is currently seeking a Part-Time Celebrate Recovery Pastor. View the job description and learn how to apply.
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Conference speaker, Dr. Christopher Yuan, helps build a Christ-centered understanding of sexuality and gender rooted in the gospel that is full of grace and full of truth.
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In addition to our weekly sermons podcast, Edgewood creates more content to help you Gather, Grow, Give and Go with the Gospel.
Every month we publish a new Bible Reading Plan! Join Edgewood and get into the habit of engaging scripture every day!
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