
Podcasts Overview

Edgewood has multiple podcasts for you to subscribe and listen to however you listen to podcasts. We'll be adding more podcasts in the future. Be sure to follow or subscribe to these podcasts so that you can stay up to date as content is published. Below are our current podcasts with a description of the content.

Sermon Podcast

Sermons Podcast

Each weekend at Edgewood Baptist Church a sermon is delivered based on the Word of God. Brian Bill, Senior Pastor, and other members of the church staff equip the congregation located in Rock Island, IL (Quad Cities) to reach their full potential in Christ by Gathering, Growing, Giving and Going with the Gospel.

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4G Podcast

4G Podcast

The Edgewood 4G Podcast features content that is created to help Edgewood Baptist Church to Gather, Grow, Give and Go with the Gospel. Episodes feature content created by Edgewood's staff on various topics that pertain to the 4G mission of the church. (Please note: episodes are not sermons that are preached during weekend sermons)

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4G Podcast

On Mission Podcast

Brian Bill, Senior Pastor of Edgewood Baptist Church in Rock Island, Illinois, preaches from God's Word to help people reach their full potential in Christ by encouraging others to be ON MISSION by Gathering, Growing, Giving and Going with the gospel. On Mission Podcast features 25 minute episodes of sermons preached at Edgewood Baptist Church, Rock Island with added commentary as heard on Moody Radio.

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